
Sunday | Birth - 3 y/o | 11:00 a.m.

South Bay strives to provide a safe learning environment staffed with responsible, trained individuals who lovingly care for your children while you enjoy quiet worship time and encouraging, relevant messages.

If it is your first time at South Bay, please click the link below to learn more about our nursery. Please note, our nursery is only available at the 11:00 a.m. service.

Kids' Club

Pre-K - 5th Grade | 11:00 a.m.

Kids' Club is a place where children are valued and where they have the capability of experiencing God in profound ways.

Whether it is through worship, lessons, games, or talking with the group, each week our children are learning something new about God and being in His family.  Our goal is to help parents lay a Godly foundation in their children's lives and show them the joy of knowing Jesus.

Please note, Kids Club is only available at the 11:00 a.m. service.

Empowered Youth

Tuesdays | 7:00 p.m. | 6th - 12th Grade

Empowered Youth is South Bay's youth ministry designed for teenagers in mind. It’s a relational, relevant, and fun environment created for all. Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

If you would like to learn more about Empowered, please contact Pastor Jon via the link below.

Community Groups

Weekly Bible Study | Various Times and Locations

For those looking to dive deeper into scripture and grow in their faith, we recommend joining a Community Group. These groups are designed to encourage our faith and build community among those who call South Bay home.

If you would like to learn more about Community Groups, please contact Pastor Matt today via the link below.

Women's Ministry

First Saturday of Each Month

All women are invited to join our Women's Ministry each month as they gather for times of devotion, prayer, and fellowship.

If you would like to learn more about the Women's Ministry at South Bay, please connect with us via the link below.

Men's Ministry

All men are invited  and encouraged to connect with other men each month at our monthly Coffee and Bible gatherings. There, men share a time of devotion, prayer, fellowship, and of course, coffee. Meeting times are irregular, so be sure to check the "events" page to stay in the loop.

If you would like to learn more about the Men's Ministry at South Bay, please connect with us via the link below.

Birth — 3 years

Kid's Club
Pre-K — 5 grade

Empowered youth
6 — 12 grade